

HSA/FSA Payments Simplified

HSA/FSA Payments Simplified

HSA/FSA Payments Simplified

Attract new customers, grow your cart size, and increase conversion by accepting HSA/FSA payments.

Attract new customers, grow your cart size, and increase conversion by accepting HSA/FSA payments.

Attract new customers, grow your cart size, and increase conversion by accepting HSA/FSA payments.

Attract new customers, grow your cart size, and increase conversion by accepting HSA/FSA payments.

Trusted by

Grow Your Business With Flex

Grow Your Business With Flex

Grow Your Business With Flex



Increase monthly revenue by accepting HSA/FSA payments.



Increase average order value by accepting HSA/FSA payments.



Available money in HSA/FSAs to be spent on health-related purchases.

The Fastest Way to Accept HSA/FSA

The Fastest Way to Accept HSA/FSA

The Fastest Way to Accept HSA/FSA

The Fastest Way to Accept HSA/FSA

Get up and running in as little as 30 minutes with our Shopify Payment App or as little as 48hrs with Flex's Secure API.

Get up and running in as little as 30 minutes with our Shopify Payment App or as little as 48hrs with Flex's Secure API.

Flex API Reference

Here you'll find all the endpoints exposed by Flex, learn how to use them and what they return.

Production Endpoint


Staging Endpoint


Shopify Payment App

Flex allows merchants that qualify to accept HSA/FSA as a payment option directly in the Shopify checkout flow.

Flex API Reference

Here you'll find all the endpoints exposed by Flex, learn how to use them and what they return.

Production Endpoint


Staging Endpoint


Shopify Payment App

Flex allows merchants that qualify to accept HSA/FSA as a payment option directly in the Shopify checkout flow.

Flex API Reference

Here you'll find all the endpoints exposed by Flex, learn how to use them and what they return.

Production Endpoint


Staging Endpoint


Shopify Payment App

Flex allows merchants that qualify to accept HSA/FSA as a payment option directly in the Shopify checkout flow.

Manage HSA/FSA Payments

Manage HSA/FSA Payments

Manage HSA/FSA Payments

Manage HSA/FSA Payments

Flex has everything you need to manage your HSA/FSA payments via our partner dashboard.

Flex has everything you need to manage your HSA/FSA payments via our partner dashboard.

One Time Payments


Coupons & Discounts



Mixed Cart

Data Exports

One Time Payments


Coupons & Discounts



Mixed Cart

Data Exports

One Time Payments


Coupons & Discounts



Mixed Cart

Data Exports

Analyze HSA/FSA Payments as a Channel

Analyze HSA/FSA Payments as a Channel

Analyze HSA/FSA Payments as a Channel

Analyze HSA/FSA Payments as a Channel

Analyze HSA/FSA payments as a channel, understand your customers preferences, and grow revenue.

Analyze HSA/FSA payments as a channel, understand your customers preferences, and grow revenue.

Analyze HSA/FSA payments as a channel, understand your customers preferences, and grow revenue.

Analyze HSA/FSA payments as a channel, understand your customers preferences, and grow revenue.

Flex API Reference

Here you'll find all the endpoints exposed by Flex, learn how to use them and what they return.

Production Endpoint


Staging Endpoint


Shopify Payment App

Flex allows merchants that qualify to accept HSA/FSA as a payment option directly in the Shopify checkout flow.

Built For Developers,
By Developers

Built For Developers,
By Developers

Flex provides a prebuilt, hosted checkout page or UI building blocks to integrate HSA/FSA payments directly into your existing payments flow.

curl --location 'https://api.withflex.com/v1/checkout/sessions' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer fsk_eyJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiZmN1c18wMUg5VFNGR01HWjNKUFFGRUEzUTFEV1' \
--data '{
    "checkout_session": {
        "line_items": [
                "price_id": "fprice_01HCZMDBA9HMZ8MZKK1T5A64S5",
                "quantity": 1
        "success_url": "https://withflex.com/success",
        "mode": "payment"

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out to hello@withflex.com

Why should I consider accepting HSA/FSA cards at my business?

HSA and FSAs are tax-advantaged accounts for consumers to set aside money for health related expenses. There is over $120B sitting in these accounts and consumers are looking for qualified products and services to spend it on.

By accepting HSA and FSA payments with Flex, merchants see up to a 15% revenue increase.

Why should I consider accepting HSA/FSA cards at my business?

HSA and FSAs are tax-advantaged accounts for consumers to set aside money for health related expenses. There is over $120B sitting in these accounts and consumers are looking for qualified products and services to spend it on.

By accepting HSA and FSA payments with Flex, merchants see up to a 15% revenue increase.

Why should I consider accepting HSA/FSA cards at my business?

HSA and FSAs are tax-advantaged accounts for consumers to set aside money for health related expenses. There is over $120B sitting in these accounts and consumers are looking for qualified products and services to spend it on.

By accepting HSA and FSA payments with Flex, merchants see up to a 15% revenue increase.

How does Flex enable HSA/FSA payments?

Flex offers two paths to accept HSA/FSA cards at checkout. 

If you are an ecommerce store selling HSA/FSA eligible items, you are required by the IRS to use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). This system must auto-substantiate HSA/FSA transactions at the point of sale in order for consumers to use their HSA/FSA cards. Flex offers this system via our API for web based checkouts or via our Shopify payment app. 

If you are a wellness business (fitness, nutrition, sleep etc), your product or service may not be explicitly eligible by the IRS. Consumers must receive a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician deeming your product medically necessary before you can accept HSA/FSA funds. Flex is able to issue a Letter of Medical Necessity directly in the checkout flow, providing a seamless and compliant checkout experience for your users. 

How does Flex enable HSA/FSA payments?

Flex offers two paths to accept HSA/FSA cards at checkout. 

If you are an ecommerce store selling HSA/FSA eligible items, you are required by the IRS to use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). This system must auto-substantiate HSA/FSA transactions at the point of sale in order for consumers to use their HSA/FSA cards. Flex offers this system via our API for web based checkouts or via our Shopify payment app. 

If you are a wellness business (fitness, nutrition, sleep etc), your product or service may not be explicitly eligible by the IRS. Consumers must receive a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician deeming your product medically necessary before you can accept HSA/FSA funds. Flex is able to issue a Letter of Medical Necessity directly in the checkout flow, providing a seamless and compliant checkout experience for your users. 

How does Flex enable HSA/FSA payments?

Flex offers two paths to accept HSA/FSA cards at checkout. 

If you are an ecommerce store selling HSA/FSA eligible items, you are required by the IRS to use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). This system must auto-substantiate HSA/FSA transactions at the point of sale in order for consumers to use their HSA/FSA cards. Flex offers this system via our API for web based checkouts or via our Shopify payment app. 

If you are a wellness business (fitness, nutrition, sleep etc), your product or service may not be explicitly eligible by the IRS. Consumers must receive a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician deeming your product medically necessary before you can accept HSA/FSA funds. Flex is able to issue a Letter of Medical Necessity directly in the checkout flow, providing a seamless and compliant checkout experience for your users. 

How easy is it to add Flex as a payment option to my website?

It depends on your business! If you are a ecommerce store selling HSA/FSA eligible items, you are required by the IRS to use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). This system must auto-substantiate HSA/FSA transactions at the point of sale in order for consumers to use their HSA/FSA cards.

If you are a wellness business (fitness, nutrition, sleep etc), your product or service may not be explicitly eligible by the IRS. Consumers must receive a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician deeming your product medically necessary before you can accept HSA/FSA funds.

The good news is that Flex can help in either situation. If you aren't sure about your use case, we're happy to chat and explore your specific needs.

How easy is it to add Flex as a payment option to my website?

Very easy! The exact process will depend if you're a Shopify store using Flex's Payment App or if you're integrating Flex's API with your web checkout. Businesses on Shopify can go live in as little as an hour while web based checkout typically go live in just a few days.

How easy is it to add Flex as a payment option to my website?

It depends on your business! If you are a ecommerce store selling HSA/FSA eligible items, you are required by the IRS to use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). This system must auto-substantiate HSA/FSA transactions at the point of sale in order for consumers to use their HSA/FSA cards.

If you are a wellness business (fitness, nutrition, sleep etc), your product or service may not be explicitly eligible by the IRS. Consumers must receive a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician deeming your product medically necessary before you can accept HSA/FSA funds.

The good news is that Flex can help in either situation. If you aren't sure about your use case, we're happy to chat and explore your specific needs.

How easy is it to add Flex as a payment option to my website?

It depends on your business! If you are a ecommerce store selling HSA/FSA eligible items, you are required by the IRS to use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). This system must auto-substantiate HSA/FSA transactions at the point of sale in order for consumers to use their HSA/FSA cards.

If you are a wellness business (fitness, nutrition, sleep etc), your product or service may not be explicitly eligible by the IRS. Consumers must receive a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician deeming your product medically necessary before you can accept HSA/FSA funds.

The good news is that Flex can help in either situation. If you aren't sure about your use case, we're happy to chat and explore your specific needs.


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Ready to get started?

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